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Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

If  you won’t Invest to your ability to Protect Yourself  You become a Trophy  of Your Assailant !

Empty Hands Combat for Bodyguards

Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

Why this program is needed:

With decades of Empty Hands Combat training with different groups of students ( from kids to Police and Army SF) we came to conclusions : 


  • Most of the Empty Hands Combat  courses (programs)mostly are only sets of different fancy techniques (far away from reality in regards of the simplicity of understanding, using, and efficiency);

  • Most of the training providers don't know how to teach students to recognize situations, adapt to quickly changing hostile environments, improvise and react to danger properly (in time-timing)  to avoid overreactions (possible unreasonable and unlawful actions);

Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

License no: ICPTA 669

  • Our program is Designed for Small Bodyguard (CPO) Groups (1-5 operatives) operating in Hostile Environment without any logistic and Power Support. 


  • Our concept - Task Orientated Adaptation and Improvisation to Perform Effectively and Safely through a Real Assault.



Our project was built keeping in mind, that Situation Determines Preparation :


  • Simple and Efficient principles of using Biomechanics of Human Body, Psychical Reactions and Timing (vs Fancy and Spectacular sets of techniques);
  • How to React to Danger Properly and Adequate-Level of force is determined by the assailant! (Reasonable Force and Levels of Power ) instead of guessing and making mistakes and breaking of laws;
  • Making right decisions: Sorting problems out instead of making troubles;
  • Coordination of Teamwork (Teamwork and Communication); 
  • Crowd Control: Conflict Management, Blending with Crowd, Prevention of Provocations;
  • MUST be an optimal ratio between Reality Training and Safety;
  • Survival Mindset achieved through Practical Exercises (not just theory).
  • Achieve Combat Mindset and Train to Respond to Real Threat;
  • Importance of Stress Management, Making Right Decisions and  Avoiding Unnecessary Casualties.
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

Empty Hands Combat for Close Protection Operatives - Course Modules:

1. Reasonable Force, H&S – Safety Rules;
2. Theory and Principles;   
4. ADVANCED DEFENSE -Blind Defense, Multiple Opponents, Confined Space defense;  



Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

1. Defensive Tactics: Empty Hand Combat-Reasonable Force, H&S – Safety Rules

1.  Laws and Regulations:

Learning Outcomes :The learner will understand:
Assessment Criteria:  the learner can state and understand the difference between :

                      1.1   Reasonable Force;

                      Necessary - Reasonable in Circumstances- Proportional
                      Learning Outcomes –– the learner will  know and always keep the safety rules of  Defensive Tactics

Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

                        1.2 Safety Rules 

                        Assessment Criteria:  the learner can use Tactical movements in a safe manner

                        during the drills and in practical situations: 

                                1.2.1 Safely Falling Down  Principles and Practical drills


                               1.2.2 Listen Instructor's Commands;


                               1.2.3 STOP Means Stop! Don’t move after command Stop! ;

                               1.2.4 Don’t Injure yourself- Personal Safety;


                               1.2.5 Don’t Injure other's - Safety of others .
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

2. Defensive Tactics: Empty Hands Combat- Theory and Principles
Learning Outcomes: The learner will understand the Theory and Principles of Personal Defense 

Assessment Criteria: The learner can understand the theory and principles of Personal Defense: 

2.1 Personal Defense-Theory and Principles:

  • Safety of the Community  starts from Personal Safety;

  • If you won’t invest in your ability to Protect Yourself   You will Be Trophy for Your Assailant!


About PERSONAL DEFENSE (Self-Defense) :


  • You Can't Win against someone who is Stronger. But you still Can Protect yourself !
  • You need years of training for Ability to Win. But you need a few basic Principles and to be Smart that to Survive.
  • But You still have to Train Hard. That builds not only Ability to Fight but Self Confidence and Chances to Avoid Fight.
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas


              2.1.1  Biomechanics of Human Body;


             2.1.2  Psychical Reactions - Alpha and Beta brain waves;




             2.1.3  operational programming -Task orientated Adaptation and Improvisation;


             2.1.4 Concept "CHANCES";


             2.1.5 Defense / Counter attack Position - "Granny": Principles, Theory-Practical Drills;


             2.1.6 Levels of Power: Frame, speed, reaction, power.
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

3. Defensive Tactics: Empty Hands Combat- PERSONAL DEFENSE

          3.1 Basics of Throws / Take-downs: 

          Learning Outcomes: The learner will be competent on : 

          Assessment Criteria:  the learner can be able to Defend from and use takedowns safe and

          the proper way for Defense:

                      3.1.1 principles, grip, position for throw-Timing;


                      3.1.2 Biomechanics of human body -"frame";


                      3.1.3 Psychical Reactions ;


                      3.1.4 back throw - defence/counter attack drills;
                      3.1.5 sweep – defense / counter attack drills.

                      video: sweep on 2 legs-2004 - LT:


Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

                   3.2.6 Groundwork for Defense:
                  Learning Outcomes: The learner will be competent on :
                 Assessment Criteria:  The learner can be able to Defend on the ground  safe and proper way: 

                  3.2.7 safely fall dawns/ rolls;
                  3.2.8 drill "machine" - roll-stand up- move .

      3.3 Basics of Punching/Kicks:

       Learning Outcomes: The learner will  be able to Defend from Strikes:

      Assessment Criteria:  The learner can  Defend from Strikes and use Strikes for Defense  safe and

      proper way:

  • video: Blocking Techniques (punches)-2004,LT:

  • video: defense drills: kicks-2004-LT:

                       3.3.1 Timing:

                       Video: dynamic drills -2004-LT :



                        3.3.2 Biomechanics of human body -"frame";


                        3.3.3  Psychical Reactions:

                        video: principles-2004-LT:


                       3.3.4 Straight Punch – defence /counter attack / blocking;
                       3.3.5 Elbow – defense / counter attack / blocking;


                       3.3.6 Low Kick – defense / Counter attack drills / blocking;

                       3.3.7 Knee – Defense / Counter attack drills / blocking; 

Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas
Close Protection|Tactical Firearms|Kovinė Savigyna| Asmens Sargybinių kursai|Taktinis Šaudymas

3.4-3.5. Defense From Grabs (1-3 included):

Learning Outcomes: The learner will be able to Defend from Grabs from Front

Assessment Criteria:  the learner can Defend from Grabs and use restriction techniques for Defense (from the front): 

3.4 Defense from Grabs - from FRONT :



        3.4.1  Throat (front choke);


        3.4.2 Chest;


        3.4.3  One Hand;


        3.4.3 Two Hands;


        3.4.4 Bear Hug;


        3.4.5 Double/Single leg attack;

3.5 Defense from Grabs - from behind Back :

Learning Outcomes: The learner will be able to Defend from Grabs from behind back
Assessment Criteria:  the learner can Defend from Grabs and use restriction techniques for Defense (from behind back):

           3.5.1 Head lock/ Rear Choke;


           3.5.2 Bear Hug;


           3.5.3 One hand;


           3.5.4 Two hands;


           3.5.5 Double / Single leg attack; 


4. Defensive Tactics: Advanced Defense-Blind Defense, Multiple Opponents, Confined Space Defense

Learning Outcomes: The learner will be able to Defend from Grabs without seeing the opponent (in case of being blinded) :

Assessment Criteria:  the learner can Defend from Grabs without seeing the opponent (in case of being blinded):   1-3.5 included;

            4.1. Defense From Grabs - "Blind Defense":


  •     video: 


  •     video:



4.2. Defense From Grabs - Multiple Opponents (" Zombie" Scenario):

Learning Outcomes: The learner will  be able to Defend from Grabs from multiple opponents :

Assessment Criteria:  the learner can  Defend from Grabs from multiple opponents:1-4.1 included;

5. Defensive Tactics: Advanced Defence- TACTICS  OF SMALL GROUPS

Learning Outcomes: The learner will  be able  to use Defensive Tactics in Team;

Assessment Criteria:  the learner can  use Defensive Tactics in Team : 

  • The power of your TEAM  depends on Personal Readiness to Self-Sacrifice and from the level of the Weakest Member of your Team!

  • Improve your Skills! Don't be the Weakest Link!

5. Defensive Tactics of Small Groups: (theory/Practical drills-1-4 included) :


             5.1 Bodyguard-VIP Defense Drills (4 Directions);


             5.2  2-5 Close Protection Operatives + VIP Defense Drills - "Dress Down /Dress Up"- Back to Formation - Adaptive Formations; 

6. Defensive Tactics: Advanced Defense -DISARMAMENT

Learning Outcomes: The learner will  be   able to use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament:
Assessment Criteria:  the learner can use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament of Baseball Beat / Stick

  • Principles :

  • video:


6.1. Baseball Beat/Stick (1-5 included):

videos: camp-2003-LT:


       6.1.1 Theory, Principles of Attack and Defense;


       6.1.2 Practical Defense  Drills;


       6.1.3 Stick against Knife Defense  Drills-( included 10.3) (personal-Team drills) ;


6.2 Defense from Knife attacks (1-9 included) :

Learning Outcomes: The learner will  be able to use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament of Knife

Assessment Criteria:  the learner can use Defensive Tactics for Disarmament of Knife

videos: Knife Defense - blocking drills,  principles, and  preparation for drills:
2000, Lithuania, Camp:
2004, Lithuania:


         6.2.1 Phase 1 - we suspect knife in opponent's pocket (or hidden);


         6.2.2 Phase 2- attack happened-we saw knife (at very last moment);


         6.2.3 Phase 3- we already see knife- scenario "Cobra in Hands";

6.3. Use for defense "anything you see around":

Learning Outcomes: The learner will be able
Assessment Criteria:  the learner can use for defense anything you see around 

             6.3.1 theory, principles, reasonable force, level of power;
  • 1-6 included;

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